Mark Zuckerberg who was purportedly launching a political party has finally made it real. He has announced the formation of a political party in the US aiming to bring changes to the immigration policies which target the education system of the US while also urging further investment in scientific research.
The party, Fwd.us (read as forward us) in an article in The Washington Post on Wednesday while mentioning that the US needed a new approach to several issues if it wanted to stay in the battle fighting the odds against he economic crisis. He joined hands with several of the leaders from Silicon Valley who shared his views.
He said that the immigrants in the US who live legally should all be shown a path to live. He lamented that the policy that the nation follows this day is not fit for the modern today and demanded a change.
Zuckerberg urged that the goals of the nation can be achieved only if the most talented and hardest-working people regardless of their nationality are provided a job and citizenship in the US. He said that effective border security should be give importance too. His announcement precedes the immigration bill which is expected to be revealed by the Senate group in few days, while also voicing the same views.
Earlier it was seen that companies like Google, Microsoft, Bloomberg etc have been asking for more high skilled workers and entrepreneurs to work in the US by means of easier visa procedures. It is not just the visas that the Fwd is looking at. The broader perspective of their goals reveals that they want better standards in schools, with more emphasis on Science, Technology, engineering and math.
The group has the support of Tech leaders such as LinkedIn Corp. CEO Reid Hoffman and venture capitalists John Doerr and Jim Breyer, Ruchi Sanghvi of Dropbox, who incidentally was also Facebook Inc.'s first female engineer. Joe Green, founder of Causes.com, is Fwd.us founder and president.
Finances for the company would be provided by major tech giants like Google Inc. Chairman Eric Schmidt, Netflix Inc. CEO Reed Hastings, Yahoo Inc. CEO Marissa Mayer, SpaceX and Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk, Zynga Inc. CEO Mark Pincus and former Groupon Inc. CEO Andrew Mason.
(AW- Anil)