Search Results On mitochondria (Page 1 of 2)

mitochondria (Page 1 of 2)

  • , , how to use turmeric to lose weight, Mitochondria

    How to Use Turmeric to Lose Weight 2019-05-27 11:29:18

    Turmeric, commonly known as haldi in India, is widely used to bring deep flavor to food. It is also considered a fruitful ingredient, which can fight inflammation and cancer. It has powerful antibacterial qualities and is used as an antiseptic...

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    journal Nature Medicine, Pomegranates, help fight ageing with pomegranates, Mitochondria

    Help fight ageing with Pomegranates! 2016-07-14 07:00:12

    A recent study published in the journal Nature Medicine, suggests that, pomegranates may help you to fight ageing. The researchers have found a molecule in pomegranates, transformed by microbes in the gut, may help muscle cells to prevent themselves from...

    Keywords: Pomegranates, Pomegranates, Fight ageing, Fight ageing

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    epigallocatechin-3-gallate EGCG, oral cancer treatment, have green tea to kill oral cancer cells, Mitochondria

    Have Green Tea to kill Oral Cancer Cells 2015-01-29 13:37:28

    Many take green tea just to bring down the weight; researchers are saying that along with this feature may help in killing oral cancer cells, without touching the healthy cells. Green tea consists of an ingredient, which can attack the...

    Keywords: epigallocatechin-3-gallate EGCG, sirtuin 3, epigallocatechin-3-gallate EGCG, sirtuin 3

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    mitochondrial disorders, destruction of an embryo, house of commons favours three parent babies, Mitochondria

    House of Commons favours three-parent babies 2015-02-04 08:27:27

    In a historic debate British lawmakers Tuesday voted in favour of IVF children conceived with DNA from three parents, and UK became the first country to bring this law. Inspite of strong objects from various activists and religious figures, both...

    Keywords: IVF to use 3 DNAs, IVF to use 3 DNAs, IVF to use 3 DNAs, muscular dystrophy

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    Carrot And Beetroot Juice breaking, Carrot And Beetroot Juice health benefits, benefits of drinking carrot and beetroot juice, Mitochondria

    Benefits Of Drinking Carrot And Beetroot Juice 2024-06-13 06:25:30

    We already know that carrots and beetroots have countless nutrients. Carrot and beetroot juice is essential in summer. It refreshes you in summer, keeps your body cool and hydrated. In addition to physical health, the vitamins and antioxidants it contains...

    Keywords: Carrot And Beetroot Juice help, Carrot And Beetroot Juice tips, Carrot And Beetroot Juice tips, Carrot And Beetroot Juice breaking

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    World's First Three-Parent Baby, Technique For World’s First Three-Parent Baby, how the world s first three parent baby was born, Mitochondria

    How The World’s First Three-Parent Baby Was Born? 2017-04-03 12:43:10

    Technology has been developing day-by-day. Without science and technology the survival of humans can be worse, as the science and technology has made our lives completely easy. Now-a-days the technology has improved in such way, that it is able cure...

    Keywords: , World's First Three-Parent Baby, World’s First Three-Parent Baby Technique,

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