Search Results On indian community association

indian community association

  • nri abandon wives, deserted by nri husband, mea address 4 189 complaints of abandoned wives in last three years, Indian community association

    MEA Address 4,189 Complaints of Abandoned Wives in Last Three Years 2019-01-04 07:56:03

    In the past three years, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has addressed 4,189 complaints of distressed Indian women abandoned by their non-resident Indian husbands, the Rajya Sabha was told Thursday. In 2016, a total of 1,510 such complaints were...

    Keywords: deserted by nri husband, nri weddings, nri abandon indian wives, nri abandon indian wife

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    women legal cell, Ministry of external affairs, 4 698 plaints from indian women deserted by nri husbands addressed since 2016 mea, Indian community association

    4,698 Plaints from Indian Women Deserted by NRI Husbands Addressed Since 2016: MEA 2019-07-11 06:33:45

    The cases regarding NRI husbands deserting Indian women are on the rise despite the Indian government taking stringent actions against swindlers. In the last three and a half years, as many as 4,698 complaints from distressed Indian women deserted by...

    Keywords: achievement of ncw, Indian women deserted by NRI husbands, national commission for women case law, MEA

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    NGO, deserted and divorced Indian women abroad, financial support to deserted indian wives abroad ministry, Indian community association

    Financial support to deserted Indian wives abroad: Ministry 2012-02-10 12:26:43

    The ministry has also come up with a booklet on the issue, titled ‘’Marriages to Overseas Indians” which discusses about the safeguards available to women who are abandoned by their NRI partners, the booklet offers solutions that are available. The...

    Keywords: ex-parte divorce, ex-parte divorce, women’s organization, deserted and divorced Indian women abroad

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