Search Results On ex parte divorce

ex parte divorce

  • NGO, Indian community association, financial support to deserted indian wives abroad ministry, Ex parte divorce

    Financial support to deserted Indian wives abroad: Ministry 2012-02-10 12:26:43

    The ministry has also come up with a booklet on the issue, titled ‘’Marriages to Overseas Indians” which discusses about the safeguards available to women who are abandoned by their NRI partners, the booklet offers solutions that are available. The...

    Keywords: legal fight, Indian community association, NRI, women’s organization

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    divorces in foreign court, ex parte divorce, ncw appeals mea to foil ex parte nri divorces, Ex parte divorce

    NCW Appeals MEA to Foil Ex Parte NRI Divorces 2018-10-04 05:51:12

    The National Commission for Women on Wednesday asked External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj to consider the practicability of entering into agreements with countries having ample India diaspora to prevent dissolution of Non-Resident Indian (NRI) marriages through ex parte divorce decree...

    Keywords: MEA, Sushma Swaraj, divorces abroad, NCW

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    Domestic Violence, Abroad, passports of five nris revoked for abandoning wives abroad, Ex parte divorce

    Passports of Five NRIs Revoked for Abandoning Wives Abroad 2018-05-30 04:20:31

    Indian government, for the first time has revoked passports of five Non-Resident Indians on the accusation of abandoning their wives soon after wedlock or following conflicts abroad.The evolution has come after Ministry of External Affairs agreed to a proposal by...

    Keywords: Abroad, Revoked, Passports, Revoked

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