Search Results On ashton carter

ashton carter

  • United States, India, modi will visit u s in june may address congress, Ashton carter

    Modi will visit U.S in June, may address Congress 2016-04-20 07:13:45

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to travel to the United States in June for a bilateral summit with President Barack Obama. Modi may also address a joint session of the US  Congress. The Hindu reported that, an official of...

    Keywords: US Congress, Barack Obama, US Congress, Modi US visit

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    US Defence partner legislation, India, india to be a major defence partner of us, Ashton carter

    India to be a major defence partner of US 2016-12-09 11:02:05

    A legislation, for recognizing India as a major defence partner of the US, has been passed by the Congress on 8th December, and now went to the White House for the approval of President Barack Obama. The National Defence Authorization...

    Keywords: US Defence partner legislation, US defence partner, US Defence partner legislation, India as us defence partner approved

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    pentagon, United States, pentagon officials say india is a close partner, Ashton carter

    Pentagon officials say India is a close partner 2013-04-09 11:59:37

    Pentagon officials noted that India would be a close partner of the US soon in the future considering that the nations partake the same dreams. They said that through cooperation in the co-production of technology, the nations can strive to...

    Keywords: close partner, USA, USA, pentagon

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