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Laya Dance Academy by Mrs.Pratyusha Apparasu , Denver CO
Ad ID : 669179 | 870 views| Edit / Delete
Address Denver, colorado,
Denver CO
Phone No 3037504529
Email Id layadanceacademy@yahoo.com
Website : www.layadanceacademy.com
Contact Laya Dance Academy by Mrs.Pratyusha Apparasu
Laya Dance Academy which was founded by Mrs. Prathyusha Apparasu is dedicated to promoting Kuchipudi, Classical dance style. Laya Dance mission is to raise the profile of Indian Classical dance by presenting professional and outstanding quality dance productions and training the next generation of Indian Classical dancers to the highest standards. Laya Dance students perform in various associations in Colorado and very much appreciated and applauded. Laya Dance also organizes their own productions every year for non profit causes.
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