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Kevin Durkin CMT , Denver CO

Ad ID : 669413 | 764 views| Edit / Delete
Kevin Durkin CMT

Address 930 Logan St., #310,
Denver CO

Phone No 3038371334

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    Kevin Durkin has practiced yoga since 1976 and has taught since 1991. He is certified as an intermediate (junior) yoga teacher by the United States Iyengar Association. He has been to India five times to study with B.K.S., Geeta, and Prashant Iyengar. He has assisted in the medical classes at the Iyengar Institute in Pune, India, and studied at the International Iyengar Institutes in New York, Manchester, Zurich, London, Madrid and Paris. In celebration of the Silver Jubilee of the Iyengar Institute, he was one of the 65 Americans invited to the Yoga Teachers Guidance Course taught by B.K.S. Iyengar in January, 2000. Kevin has taught workshops in BeerSheva Israel, Prague, Czech Republic. Regensburg & Nuremburg, Germany. Yandara Yoga Institute in Baja, Mexico. & Dublin, Ireland and teaches specialty workshops locally, regionally and nationally.

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