(Image source from: Gujaratijagran.com)
As per the reports from a Kremlin insider through Telegram, Russian President Vladimir Putin suffered a massive heart attack on Sunday evening in his apartment in Moscow. The channel named General SVR said that Vladimir Putin was found lying on the floor of his bedroom by his gaurds. The statement said that he was found "lying on the floor and rolling his eyes". The doctors were asked to come immediately and he was rushed to a special medical facility that is built in his apartment space. He is under intensive care observation and an official announcement about the health condition of Vladimir Putin is yet to come.
“Security officers of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who were on duty at the residence, heard noise and sounds of falling coming from the president’s bedroom. Two security officers immediately followed into the president’s bedroom and saw Putin lying on the floor next to the bed and an overturned table with food and drinks,” told the statement on Telegram. The statement also said that the doctors resuscitated Putin and there is a panic situation across the political circles of Russia. The same account speculated in the past that Putin has been using body doubles. It said that the body double of Putin had a phone conversation with Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and meeting with Kazbek Kokov.