Menstruation Is a Celebration of Womanhood Not Shame: Hindu Scholar Nithin Sridhar
May 22, 2019 10:17
(Image source from: npnews24)
Despite several measures being taken to put a stop of stereotypes revolving around menstruation, there are scores of people who see menstruation as shameful.
A Hindu scholar and author Nithin Sridhar says menstruation should not be considered shameful but should be celebrated as a basic requirement of womanhood and as an integral dimension of feminineness.
Talking to IANS, Sridhar, author of "Menstruation Across Cultures-A Historical Perspective," said thousands of years of foreign dominance had distorted our thinking on this issue of vital importance.
While talking about his book, Sridhar said: "My book has come at a correct time too when the Sabarimala issue is dominating our news with misinformed and confused debates all around."
He compared the different attitudes to menarche, menstruation, pregnancy, and womanhood in different religions and countries. "Of course the focus is mainly on the Hindu or Sanatana Dharma attitudes but the subject should surely be of great interest to all of us concerned with social, cultural and political issues," he added.
"In my book, there are detailed reviews of menstruation notions prevalent in India and in cultures across the world. The world cultures covered in the book include Indic traditions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism; ancient civilizations like Greece, Rome, Mesopotamia and Egypt; and Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam," Sridhar said.
The book "Menstruation Across Cultures-A Historical Perspective," especially focuses on impurity and sacrality. While they are often understood as being opposed to each other, the book examines how they are treated as two sides of the same coin when it comes to menstruation.
"I have also examined how the understanding of impurity in Abrahamic religions differs from those of polytheistic cultures. As part of the examination of the sacrality attached to menstruation, a special focus has also been given to the deities of menstruation in polytheistic cultures and to what Ayurveda and Yoga say about this essential function in a woman's physiology."
For the cause of Hinduism, Sridhar gave up his profession of a civil engineer. He is the editor of IndiaFacts, a popular online magazine for sustaining Sanatana Dharma. He has previously authored a book, "Musings on Hinduisma", a primer for students of all ages wanting to know more about Hinduism.
By Sowmya Sangam