Good News for Indians in Oman! Design Logo and Win Free Trip to India
September 11, 2019 13:17
(Image source from: Times of Oman)
In an impressive move, the Indian Embassy in Oman said it is offering a 25-day, all expenses paid a trip to India to the winner of its logo designing contest for its ‘Know India’ program.
Organized by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs, the contest is now open to Indian nationals and persons of Indian origin.
An official from the Indian embassy in Oman announced the invitation to the contest, which comprises designing logo for Know India Programme. The Know India Programme of the MEA is chiefly for diaspora youth to promote awareness on different facets of life in India.
The logo design contest is open to all Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs),” added the official. “The last date of entry is 15 October 2019, entries may please be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The winner will be awarded a grand prize of a 25-day fully sponsored tour to India.
The designed logo will be featured on the ministry’s website, social media platforms, and other mediums. The logo must be eye-catchy and legible which will be used to promote the Know India Programme scheme of the government of India. The program aims to reconnect the Indian diaspora youth of the age group between 18 and 30 years, with their Indian roots.
(Image source from:
The MEA also said there are no limitations and any colors may be used. However, it must look good in color (if any), or black and white. The logo may be created using pencils, crayons, markers, paints, and also by using a computer drawing program.
No copyrighted material or the logos possessing any watermarks are allowed. The MEA says it must have been created by the contestants solely and shouldn't include images or licensed images that have been published previously anywhere. They must be easily reproducible and scalable for large and small formatting and must be simple.
The winners will be chosen by the Ministry of External Affairs and will be announced through its official website, diplomatic offices overseas, social media websites, and through direct contact with the winners’ email accounts. The ministry publishes the logo along with the name of the designer and it will be used both for advertising campaigns and/or marketing materials in the future. Contestants assign all ownership rights, including intellectual property rights of the logo to the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India.
The contestant can submit their designs until 15 October 2019. It is also said that all entries submitted by contestants must be given directly to the Indian embassy, in their original source format, and in a high resolution PDF format with a resolution of 300 dpi or higher.
By Sowmya Sangam