Nothing is impossible if you are desperate and take a right path. Same thing is applicable for depression. Depression is having a set of negative feelings like sadness, unworthy, insufficient, missing ambition, ashamed. When one gives attention to such negative thoughts, depression starts. It is really hard for someone who is depressed to come out of it, but it is not impossible. So, as a friend or a family member, you always play a major role in getting them out of depression.
People fighting with depression feel like they are left behind while the world around them is running forward. So, regular work that can be done easily or with a little effort looks very difficult for them. Help them in such case.
Cook meal for them. Don't let them be hungry or be on junk food. Monitor and guide them to take healthy food, which is essential to help your body feel good.It's important to get a lot of vitamin - D from the sun. Also, beauty of the nature can refresh their mind. So take them out for a walk.
Help them in taking care of how they dress and how they look. Infact, let them look beautiful and just see the difference.Hugs are the symbol of love and they show how much you care for them. So, just hug your loved ones who are depressed and tell them they are going to be ok. Just be there for them.
Also read: Deepika on awareness campaign against depression
- Sumana