#Trashtag Challenge: This New Social Media Challenge Urges People Clean Littered Places
March 13, 2019 10:10
(Image source from: Scouting magazine)
Social media challenges have been occurring often, some being witless while some profound. The newest challenge on the challenge is something productive.
Called the #Trashtag Challenge, it indeed asks people to make this world a cleaner place. The idea of the #trashtag challenge is to clean a littered place and post pictures of the good act.
In no more than a few days, the trend has caught on and people all over the world are enthusiastically taking part in this clean-up. Don’t you think it is actually a positive social media challenge, that we wished to see?
The first use of the trend #trashtag was done back in the year 2015. Now it resurfaced online when a Facebook post was directed at weary teens, asking them to be a part of this #Trashtag Challenge. It got virtually a new life as many youngsters joined along with more than 25,000 posts already on Instagram alone. Netizens took up the challenge in good spirit and began cleaning the littered places that needed a makeover.
This favorable social media challenge has flooded the internet with people from all over the world joining hands in a cleanliness drive, it is a change the environment beckons. Such challenges would make this world a better to place to live in.
By Sowmya Sangam